Music & Worship Ministry
Under the leadership of the Director of Music & Worship, this ministry serves UBC Church by providing music and worship for all worship experiences. The M&W Ministry includes representatives from all performance ministry aggregations: choirs (Mass choir, Women’s Choir, and Male Chorus Choir), mime (Word Became Dance), drama, and spoken word in all age groups and seeks to engage the entire congregation to participate in worship.
Music & Worship Team
This ensemble encourages each individual in the body of Christ praise and worship God by leading the congregation in a time of corporate praise and worship. Praise and Worship are taken seriously and these individuals serve as example of worshipers. (Rehearsal – Every Tuesday evening following Mass Choir rehearsal….By audition only).
Audio/Visual Ministry
This ministry supports all UBC Worship Services, Special Events, and Activities by providing equipment, personnel, and logistics for sound, visuals, and production. Visit the store on the UBC website to download MP3s of Sunday sermons.
Mime Ministry
Comprised of children, youth, teens, and adults who demonstrate the power of worshipping God through the beauty of movement and dance, United Baptist Church Mime Ministry is very vital to the regular Sunday Worship service experience. It provides service throughout Akron as the ministry embodies the mandate “to let everything that have breathe praise the Lord.” The goal of the Mime Ministry is to help each member grow spiritually and provide basic mime techniques that will prepare one for further study. Devotion to God and discipline are important elements of this ministry.