Serving Our Saints Ministry (S.O.S.)
The Serving Our Saints Ministry develops and supports Christian Fellowship activities for all seniors. We sponsor senior game nights quarterly, yearly discounted bus trips, luncheons and movie matinees. For more information, please contact Rev. Tracy Lee or Sis. Connie Mitchell.
Ushers Ministry
Ushers greet and direct worshipers on sacred ground with a warm and embracing spirit. This ministry maintains an atmosphere of consecration and reflection toward God during worship service. The ushers seat members and visitors in an orderly manner, directs appropriate movement during service and offering collection.
Courtesy Ministry
UBC Courtesy Greeters station themselves in the vestibule and rear area before worship services to offer a friendly smile, directions, and assistance to our visitors. The goal of this ministry is to ensure visitors feel welcome and have an uplifting experience that encourages them to come back again, again and again.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
The Intercessory Prayer Ministry at UBC Church is designed to teach about the need for and practice of prayer and to “stand in the gap” by praying for members, friends, the Summit County community, State, Country, and the world.
Pastor’s Care (Pastor’s Aid) Ministry
Pastor’s Care provides special attention to the needs of the Pastor before, during, after services, and as called to assist allowing the Pastor to serve God’s people. In addition, this ministry assists visiting clergy and guests to ensure they want for nothing while visiting UBC Church.
Men’s Ministry
The UBC Men’s Ministry is dedicated to the service of men within the church and community. We accomplish these goals through mentorship, volunteerism, and philanthropy and work closely with the staff at Buchtel and Schumacher CLC to assist in meeting student needs. All men interested in learning more about or becoming a part of this ministry are invited to join us at our monthly meetings
held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm, in the Gus Johnson Community Center gym. For more information, please contact Deacon Arian Davis at 330-604-1237.
Fellowship Ministry
The Fellowship Ministry designs, hosts, and supports fellowships for UBC Church on an on-going basis as well as for special services, holidays, and events. The goal of this ministry is to provide a fellowship that is both comforting and welcoming to members, guests, and visitors.
Finance Ministry
The Finance Committee is a ministry dedicated to the proper handling of funds given to UBC Church during Worship Services and throughout the year. Ministry service must be recommended by the Pastor.